The following officers were elected for the 2022-24 biennium at the 62nd State Conference. President: Amanda Montgomery President Elect: Eunjung Choi, NCTM VP Conferences: Lorri Kay Turcios VP Competitions: David M. Gross VP Membership: Patrick Boyle Secretary: Nathan MacAvoy Treasurer:
SC MTNA Performance Competitions
The state level of the MTNA Performance Competitions will be held virtually this year. Applications are due by 3:00 pm, Wednesday, September 14, 2022. Submit online at the MTNA website. Performance videos will be due by 5:00 pm, Thursday, October
SCMTA Sixty-second Annual Conference
November 3-5, 2022 Anderson University, Anderson, SC Orion Ensemble, Conference Artists Helen Marlais, Conference Clinician
Composition Competition
Registration for the SCMTA Composition Competition is now open. Deadline is April 1, 2023. There will be four age groups:10 & Under, 11-14, 15-18, 19-26. Students may submit one composition in each of three categories: solo, 2-4 instruments, 5-9 instruments.
MTNA Southern Division Winners
SCMTA made a strong showing in the MTNA Southern Division Competitions with three winners and two alternates. Congratulations to these students and their teachers.! The winners will represent the Division and SCMTA in the National Finals in March. Southern Division
November Shared Presentation
Shared Presentation
Annual SCMTA Conference – Nov. 4-6, 2021
The Sixty-first SCMTA Annual Conference will be held Nov. 4-6, at the University of South Carolina School of Music with pianist Spencer Myer as conference artist and Kevin Olson as conference clinician. Mr. Myer will present the Friday evening recital
SCMTA Honors Recital Available On-line
SCMTA held its first-ever virtual auditions this spring. A total of 212 students submitted video performances of their repertoire. The adjudicators chose 13 recitalists. You can view their performances on-line. Honors Recital Video
COVID-19 Vaccination Information
We have received word from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) that “teachers of any capacity are included in phase 1B for vaccination.” Proof of eligibility is particular to the provider; you should ask when making