November 3-5, 2016 Converse College, Spartanburg Marvin Blickenstaff Master Pedagogue Fred Karpoff Artist & Teacher of Technique
SCMTA Benevolence Fund
The historic flooding of October 2015 left many South Carolinians with devastating damage and loss. The South Carolina Music Teachers Association has established the SCMTA Benevolence Fund to specifically assist music teachers in South Carolina whose professional lives have been
Fifty-fifth Annual Conference
November 5-7 at Coker College You will not want to miss this event! Plan now to attend. Boris Berman, distinguished pianist from Yale University, will inspire the audience with his solo piano recital and his teaching in an advanced masterclass
SCMTA Genesis Endowment Fund Grant
The South Carolina Music Teachers Association has established the GENESIS ENDOWMENT FUND GRANT in order to provide one member teacher per year an award of up to $500 for the purpose of professional or studio development. Primarily intended for use
An Invitation
As President of SCMTA, I have greatly enjoyed serving and collaborating with the wonderful teachers and students of South Carolina! I hope you will make plans to attend the 54th Annual Conference on the Anderson University campus! Prize-winning pianist and
Officers 2014-16
The following slate of officers was elected during the Annual Members Meeting at the 2014 Conference: President: Debbie Ruth President-Elect: Deanna Moore Vice-President for Conferences: Sara Ernst Vice-President for Competitions: Amanda Montgomery Vice-President for Membership: Charlene Yarborough Secretary: Nanette Baltz Treasurer:
Save the Date
Join us for our Fifty-fourth Annual Conference, featuring pianist Lucille Chung and clinician Ingrid Jacoson Clarfield.
Call for Student Research Posters/Sessions
SCMTA is accepting student proposals for research posters and for a conference session to be presented at the 2014 Annual Conference at Anderson University, November 6-8. The call for proposals is open to all South Carolina undergraduate and graduate college-level